Friday, July 17, 2009

Modus Operandi

Utilizing his skills as a Board-Certified Professional Picture Provider, Ed will provide pictures. Utilizing my skills as a guy with a blog, I will expertly explain what lies beyond the surface, to you, the hoi polloi. A true professional, Ed has provided me with the first picture, but technical difficulties* have thusfar prevented me from explaining it. "Tune in" tomorrow** for the first installment. Once this begins, we will do it every single day for the next twenty-thousand one-hundred years, or, more likely, until December 21, 2012.

* - I am lazy and distracted.
** - "tomorrow" being "whenever I get around to it"


  1. Dear reader, at least I shall never yell at you. I may, however, yell at the apathetic, so-called "picture explainer" if he does not get to work soon...

    - ed, Board-Certified Professional Picture Provider

  2. Rather than write a new post, I find myself obsessively drawn to editing my first post. Is there some sort of lockdown so that option is unavailable to me? Or is it fully dependent on "willpower," of which I have none? Regardless, we're three days in and I haven't explained a single picture. Then again, people aren't exactly clamoring for an explanation. Time to clamor, people.

  3. CLAMORING!!! Get to work, mister!
