Monday, August 17, 2009

#10: Tobacco's But An Indian Weed

It's not obvious to the untrained eye, but if you look underneath the cloud, you can see every girl I've ever met in Los Angeles, each one smoking a cigarette. (Which is especially odd as this is a picture of Boston.)

Seriously, though: people are still smoking tobacco cigarettes in 2009? With an average price hovering around five dollars a pack (in California)? With 40 years of explicit images showing EXACTLY how damaging it is to your lungs? OK, fine, lungs schmungs, who sees those anyway, but really: your skin? I understand that I'm not exactly Blackbeard's Catch of the Day material myself, but at least I'm not blowing smelly cancer into your eyes while we're attemping to awkwardly muddle through a mundane conversation. Nicotine isn't even a good drug!

Anyway, sorry for the rant. Forgive me; I haven't had my coffee yet.

Get it? ZOMG LOL I'm a hypocrite. Except it only actually makes sense as hypocrisy if I relentlessly spit coffee into your eyes as we pose lackadaisically outside the Silverlake Lounge, which I am prepared to do the next time you light up in my presence. Then I will go home alone, and I will write cranky blog posts about it, and some dude who's willing to make out with a lovely girl who smokes cigarettes will have the night of his life. Again.

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